Be Kind!

With everything that’s going on with us and around us, lets reflect on this passage from pastor John Pavlovitz.
“Everyone around you….is experiencing the collateral damage of living.
Every single human being you pass by today is fighting to find peace and to push back fear; to get through their daily tasks without breaking down.
Wounded, exhausted, pain-ravaged people are everywhere – and yet most of the time we’re fairly oblivious to them.
Parents whose children are terminally ill.
Couples in the middle of separation or divorce.
People grieving the loss of loved ones.
Kids being bullied at school.
Teenagers who want to end their lives.
Parents worried about their depressed teenager.
Spouses whose partners are deployed in combat.
Families with no idea how to keep the lights on.
Single parents with little help and little sleep.
Everyone is grieving and worried and fearful and yet none of them wear the signs, none of them have labels, and none of them come with written warnings signs reading, I’M STRUGGLING.
We should look more closely and deeply at everyone around us and to never assume they aren’t all just hanging on by a thread.
Because most people ARE, simply hanging on by a thread. Your simple act of kindness can be the difference.”