The Wealth of Peace

Many spend year’s searching for peace in the physical by trying to obtain status or material possessions, but peace is spiritual. Peace is defined as a state of being free from war or disturbance and in a state of tranquility. Philippians 4:7 reminds us, “and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. Often those on a quest to seek peace, create war within themselves and can cause collateral damage for those deeply connected to them. Take a moment to think about how you define peace and how you may be projecting your lack thereof onto others. Read God’s word, which is our life’s blueprint and allow it to marinate in your spirit and its directions to be displayed in your life. God is an all seeing and an all-knowing God. Man can be fooled, but we serve God that knows all. Surrender what troubles you and take accountability for the role you may play in your lack of peace. Make meaningful change and obtain counseling as needed. For anyone that has made it their intention to live a life of peace, keep pressing forward and remain in alignment. Don’t allow anything or anyone to take you off of your course.

For Mindfulness Sake inspires you to be the best version of yourself mind, body and spirit. Contact: [email protected] and follow us on Facebook and Spotify.