The Needed Years

If the title of this blog post deeply resonates with you, you have been divinely guided here. Give yourself a pat on the back. You made it to the last day of 2022, and you are crossing over into 2023, with NO negative carryover. Like me, what you’ve experienced all of your life, was due to the anointing that’s on your life. Because of your obedience to faithfully honor God’s holy word in the midst of immense turmoil and seemingly unanswered prayers, he has delivered you from all of the unfairness you have endured. 2022 was a needed year. Quite frankly, ALL of the previous years were needed for what’s ahead. God has cleared your path and he has prepared you to receive his VERY best. He has removed everyone that was not supposed to remain with you along your journey. Although the revelations were very painful, it was for the best. What God is expeditiously releasing to you, will bless you and everyone that remains intimately connected to you. Run into 2023 knowing God’s love for you is endless…

Scripture Reference: Ephesians 6:10-20 The Whole Armor of God