The Second Half

Anyone that knows anything about football knows halftime is when adjustments are made. As the teams enter the locker room, some are down and some are up, and all focus is placed on the coach as the second half game plan is drafted. After the halftime discussion the team eagerly exits the locker room ready to execute the game plan. As the teams walk down the tunnel towards the field, their excitement builds. As the teams positions themselves on the field, their coach looks onward as the football is kicked to commence the second half. There is an eagerness to determine whether the team will properly execute the game plan because many games are won in the second half.

Have you accessed your life and heard the still quiet voice of God and knew it was time for adjustments? Just like the football coach, the father, son and the holy spirit is your coach. However, many don’t sit still long enough to hear the voice of God. Allow God to draft your second half game plan and execute it without hesitation.

In life, the second half can occur after you have simply had enough and surrendered it all, during a major event, life crisis, at mid-life or on the first day of the second half of the year, July 1st. If you are in your second half, whether up or down, execute God’s game plan well. Doing so will require sincere prayer, self-reflection, accountability, the breaking of dysfunctional generational cycles, determination and consistency to garner winning results.

There is much light on the football field and in your second half. Be assured, the God ordained deposits you made in the first half will garner huge dividends in the second half upon execution of God’s game plan. If you made few deposits in the first half, humble yourself and be accountable for your actions, repent, turn from sin and speak to God and request his game plan for your life.

Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV – Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Psalm 34:8 NIV – Oh taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusts in him.