Journey of Life

Every season has a purpose. Navigating the seasons of life can bring much joy and much sorrow. Hibernation occurs in the Winter for protection. Winter can look dreary most days. The Winter of life can equate to a desert, desolate or wilderness season. It’s during a time of hiding that God is our refuge and he works on us. Spring brings pruning to reshape the tree for what’s to come and rain to produce beautiful flowers and new beginnings. Just like the tree, life prunes us. Summer thunderstorms are important for survival and for a good harvest to produce in Fall. The storms of life can be unbearable leaving a long aftermath, cleanup, recovery and rescue. Continue on, the rebuild is always better after the storm. Leaves fall in Fall leaving a bare tree. The leaves must fall to make room for new leaves. Life can strip us naked to start a new. The old leaves are blown away, but some leaves may hang around as a reminder of what once was. Trust God’s timing in your life. He takes you through seasons for a reason. Not all seasons are bad. There are many seasons of life that produce great fruit; new wine, testimonies of God’s goodness, increased faith and to grow and stretch us. KNEEL and PRAY and stand TALL through them ALL.