As most of the world is under “lock down” or “stay-at-home” orders to prevent further spread of COVID-19, I’ve seen a lot of meme’s lately. One that caught my eye was, “I guess God got so mad about all of our fighting down here that he sent us all to our rooms”. For Humor Sake, I thought it would be nice to place a little more emphasis on this meme. I wouldn’t say God is mad at us, but more like he’s forcing many of us to be still, seek him, hear him, think, focus on the simple things and the people we often take for granted and to trust him alone. You know what he is challenging you to do and/or change! He’s watching!
Category: Uncategorized
The Benefits of Meditation!
Kindness is a virtue!
In a world where you can be anything, be kind! Kindness is a virtue that often seems like a lost art. Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate. Please be mindful that everyone you meet is battling something. Always remember, kindness calms and promotes healing. Always remember, you are not alone!
Live YOUR Life!
- Trust you are enough!
- Be authentically the best version of you.
- Trust your journey!
- Be the change you want to see.
- Growth leads to opportunity!
- Be mindful not everyone will be a beneficiary of your growth.
- Strive!

Hone Your Message!
In the right setting, I can be quite talkative. I was the kid that had excellent grades, but seemed to always garner a check minus or talks excessively for conduct. Speaking confidently has always been an ease for me. For this reason and among others, I consider myself a natural leader.
Speaking in general is one thing, but delivering an impromptu, featured or keynote message is another.
I recently had the pleasure of attending my first Toastmasters International Communications Workshop: Hone Your Message.

During the 7 hour workshop, I prepared, practiced and honed my high impact message, A Better YOU! Mind, Body & Spirit. I learned excellent speakers excel in confidence, organization, clarity, vocal variety, eye contact, gestures, audience awareness, comfort level, time management, providing interesting content, connecting with and being well supported by their audience and accepting constructive criticism from their coaches.
It was awesome to receive fantastic feedback and be supported by a group of experienced coaches and Toastmasters who assured I had an outstanding experience.
Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators and leaders.
My message was so impactful; I was invited to speak on Revel Coach’s Inspiration Platform. The platform is designed to create a community of women who want to inspire and be inspired.
Until next time……

The Law of Attraction
A healthy mind and body
2020 Vision!

Refocus and revisit your goals….
What’s worrying you?

New Year – New You!